Mitsubishi Electronics LDT521V Flat Panel Television User Manual

Controlling the Monitor with a PC (RS-232C)
You can control this monitor from a PC via RS-232C (COM
port) on the PC.
You can also connect multiple monitors via a daisy chain by
using a PC. By assigning ID numbers to each monitor (see
page 13), you can make input mode selection/adjustment or
can check the status of a speci c monitor.
To control the monitor via RS-232C, set RS-232C/LAN
SELECT to RS-232C.
You cannot use RS-232C and LAN control simultaneously.
PC connection
One-to-one connection with a PC
Connect with RS-232 straight cable between the PC’s COM
port (RS-232C connector) and the RS-232C input terminal on
the monitor.
RS-232 straight cable
To COM port
RS-232C input terminal
Daisy chain connection…
Advanced operation
Connect with RS-232 straight cable between the PC’s COM
port (RS-232C connector) and the RS-232C input terminal on
the rst monitor.
Next, connect RS-232 straight cable to the rst monitor’s
RS-232C output terminal and to the second monitor’s
RS-232C input terminal. Connect in the same way to the third
and subsequent monitors.
Up to 25 monitors can be connected. (Depending on the
length of the cable used and the surrounding environment.)
RS-232 straight cables
First monitor
Second monitor
To COM port
output terminal
input terminal
Communication conditions
Set the RS-232C communication settings on the PC to match
the monitor’s communication settings as follows:
Baud rate 9600 bps
Stop bit
1 bit
Data length 8 bits Flow control None
Parity bit None
Communication procedure
Command format
When a command is sent from the PC to the monitor, the
monitor operates according to the received command and
sends a response message to the PC.
C1 C2 C3 C4 P1 P2 P3 P4
Return code
Command field
(4 prescribed
alphanumerical characters
Parameter field
(4 character string comprised of:
0-9, +, -, space, ?)
Example: VOLM0030
* Be sure to input 4 characters for the parameter. Pad with
spaces (“
”) if necessary.
” is a return code (0D
, 0A
or 0D
Wrong : VOLM30
Right : VOLM 30
When inputting a negative value, specify a numerical value in
three digits.
Example: AUTR-009
Do not use spaces for MPOS, DATE, and SC01 through
SC08. Specify parameters using a speci ed number of
Example: MPOS010097
If a command has “R” listed for “DIRECTION” in the
“RS-232C command table” on page 16, the current value can
be returned by using “?” as the parameter.
VOLM ? ? ? ?
From PC to monitor (How much
is current volume setting?).
From monitor to PC (Current
volume setting: 30).
* If an ID number (see page 13) has been assigned
(For example, ID number = 1).
From PC to monitor.
30 001
From monitor to PC.