Mitsubishi Electronics WS-55515 Projection Television User Manual

HDMI™ Device Connections 11
Icon Order 59
Adding Automatically 46
Connection Screen 47
Devices Compatibility 48
Device Connection Styles 24
Device Type Screen 47
Finish Screen 47
Input/Output 10
New Device Screen 46
Notes 12, 54
Safeguards 4
IR Code for [Device] Screen 41
IR Output-NetCommand® 11
Language 57
Lock By Time 67
Menu Choices (also see individual name) 56
Monitor Output (Audio/Video 1, Audio 2) 11
Monitor Out to AVR Screen 37
Name 60
Name for 1394 Device Screen 46
Name Screen 37, 40
NetCommand 33-34, 59
Add 39
Control of Digital Devices 48
Controlled Peer-to-Peer Connections 53
Controlled Recordings 50
Device Setup Screen 33
Finish Screen 34
Home Network Control System 8
Information Screen 33
Initial Setup 33
Menu 56, 59
On-Screen Buttons 31
Peer-to-Peer Connection 53
PerfectColor™ (Manual Color Correction) 57
PIP and POP Operation 74
PIP Device Selection Menu 43
Power On/Off Devices 43
Prefer Digital 60
Programming the Remote to Control
NetCommand A/V Products 80
Other Brands of Audio and Video Products 80
Record List Screen 51
Record To Screen 50
Recordings 50, 51, 52
Remote Control
Buttons 32
Functions 29, 30
Care 30
Operation 30
Overview 29
NetCommand® use 28
Sleep Timer 30
Traditional VCRs 52
Transport Buttons 59
Reset Factory Defaults Menu 58
Review Screen 34
RF Connection for Cable Screen 41
Service Port 11
Setting the Clock
Auto 62
Daylight Savings Time 62
Manual 62
Setup Menu 56, 57-58
16:9 Widescreen Picture Format 8
Sleep Timer 30
Special Features 8
SQV (SuperQuickView™) 61
System Reset Button 9
Time-Delayed Recording 50
Time Menu 56, 62
Timer On/Off 62
Track List Screen 51
Transport Menu 59
TV Accessories 8
TV Software License 98
TV Speakers 68
V-Chip Menu 56, 65-67
Entry 65
Signal Information 66
Start Time and V-Chip Stop Time 65
VCR Direct Recording 52
VCR for Recordings Screen 41
Video Button on the Remote Control 70
Video Mute 68
Video Settings 70
Viewpoint Menu System 32
Warranty 97
Welcome Screen 33