GB 17
From the CD menu you can control an external CD player con-
nected to the SCSI socket.
To use present and future CD-ROM applications, the player must
have the following features:
a) SCSI-2 connection
b) support one of the following standards: CD-XA / CD-ROM /
Video-CD / Photo CD
The Installation Menu lets you add or change settings already
made. More about this Menu follows in the chapter “Installation
Submenus” starting on the next page.
Parental Control
By pressing OK on the line “Parental Control” you will be re-
quested to enter your PIN code. (Personal Identification Code).
This code is set to 1234 by the factory. You will now get the menu
from where you can lock some functions in the Mediamaster.
Lock Receiver: If you select “Yes” you will have to enter your
PIN code to get access to channels from the Mediamaster.
Lock Installation Menu: Select “Yes” if you want to lock access
to the Installation Menu.
Lock Channel: First, to go to the channel you want to lock, than
enter this “Parental Control” menu and select “Yes” from this
Everytime someone tries to enter locked functions, the message
“Please enter your PIN code” will appear on the TV screen.
Change PIN code: If you change the PIN code from the stand-
ard 1234, DO NOT FORGET IT! Without the code you do not
have access to the functions you have set from this menu!
Common Interface
(This line wil be highlighted only when a CA Module is mounted).
From here you will get access to information and menus con-
nected to the CA Module.
This information may vary a lot depending on the Service Provider.
Please see the documentation delivered together with your CA