Philips DVR2104 DVR User Manual

two HDDs (the capacity of HDD can be different.) When installing the second
HDD, please set it slave as the instruction of the manufacture. Otherwise, the
system wont work.
n The second HDD can work as an assistant disc to store information and
operate. The choice of HDD is set through choose working disc. When the
slave is confirmed as the working disc, the playing and searching will be
operated in slave, but the recording is still on the master.
n Format disc is similar to initial format, which means all the information in the
disc will be lost. After inputting the right old password, you can format HDD.
n Before formatting master, you can change the password, which will be in effect
when you reuse HDD. The slave should use the same password.
System setting
n System setting is through option. If the system has the password, when you
press option, input password will appear. Only after inputting the right
password will the system setting menu appear.
n When the system has two levels of password, the manager and the operator
have different setting menus.
n Every item in the system setting menu has its own setting window. Every item
is through option and the four direction keys below the option key. The up
and down keys are used to choose from different items; the left and right keys
are used to move in the chosen item. If the chosen item has several options,
the left and right keys are used to make different options. The number item is
set by the number keys in the front panel. After the setting, press option to
confirm it.
n The system setting wont be lost when the power is off.
n After power on, the symbol of the manufacturer will appear for about 5
seconds. If the power is abnormally off when the system is recording, put the
power on and no symbol will appear. HDD will work by itself and continue to
n Each key has its own indicators in the front panel to show the state.
n Press display, signs to show different states (the normal recording, the
scheduled recording, the alert recording, play, pause, forward, review, etc.) will
appear in the top left corner of the monitor, and signs to show the time and
date in the top right corner of the screen (when the system is recording and
stopping, it is the current time; when playing, it is the then time.) Press
display again, a list about the space of HDD and the remaining space of HDD
will appear on the screen, all will disappear when pressing display again.
Display is independent from recording, playing and stopping, but it cannot be
used when the system is setting.
n Press information, all information about the state of HDD will appear on the
screen, and disappear after 10seconds. Dont press information when the
system is recording, playing or system setting.
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