Edit Channel List Lock some channels that are not suited for
younger members of the family, skip/add the
channel list as you wish
Con๎ guration Add new channel, set audio language, subtitle
language, as you wish. Upgrade the system. View
the signal information.
Parental Control Enable or Disable the menu protection system
and allows the PIN code to be changed.
EPG Electronic Program Guide
Chapter 4 Using the DTV OSD Settings
Highlight the Edit Channel List option, then press OK button,there are three Items in the menu.
Channel List
Create a favourite list
Modifty a favourite list
Delete a favourite list
Highlight the Create a favourite list item, pressing OK button, then The menu is displayed on the screen now. Once you enter the Create
a favourite list menu,a new channel list will be created,you can create four favourite lists at most.
You can lock or unlock the selected channel by pressing the RED button, pressing the BLUE button to skip or add the selected channel. If
you want to skip or add all, ๎ rst press the GREEN button, then press either the RED button to skip all, or the GREEN button to add all. A
channel selected as a locked appears in the channel list with a lock icon ( red button ) against the channel name, a channel selected as a
added appears in the channel list with a add icon ( tick ) against the channel name.
Chapter 3 Using the LCD TV