12 RKP-200/RHB-200
NOTE: Flashing button illumination provides confir-
mation and error indications during the Learning
and SMART sequence programming. The back-
lighting should be enabled during configuration.
Disabling IR Sensor
An IR sensor on the front of the keypad allows
operation of the system from a handheld remote
control aimed at the keypad. This sensor can be
disabled. Generally, the sensor only needs to be
disabled when two keypads are installed in the
same room. In this case, disable the sensor on the
second keypad to prevent sending IR commands
to both keypads. For the same reason, you might
disable the sensor of a keypad installed near the
components being controlled.
SW9 configures the sensor mode:
To enable the IR sensor, put SW9 in the ON
To disable the IR sensor, put SW9 in the
OFF position.
NOTE: Learning commands is done by aiming a
handheld remote at the keypad sensor. The sensor
must be enabled during Learning configuration.
Optional Device Buttons
The keypad has four permanent device buttons:
, , , . These device buttons select a
source component for listening and operation.
Pressing a device button makes the normal com-
mands on the other ten buttons available. Device
buttons cannot store normal learned commands;
however, they can store a SMART sequence of
normal commands that is sent when the device
button is pressed.
The RKP-200 provides the option of designating
the and/or the buttons as additional de-
vice buttons. SW5 configures the button. SW6
configures the button.
Details of the switch settings are provided with
the instructions for each configuration option, but
here is a summary:
SW1: Used for invisible layer command
programming for the CD device.
SW2: Used for invisible layer command
programming for the TUN device.
SW3: Used for invisible layer command
programming for the AV device.
SW4: Used for invisible layer command
programming for the MP3 device.
SW5: In the ON position, enables the but
ton as an additional device key.
SW6: In the ON position, enables the
button as an additional device key.
SW7: Enables the learning mode in the ON
SW8: Enables the SMART programming mode
in the ON position.
SW9: Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the IR
sensor on the front of the keypad.
SW10: Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the
backlighting feature.
Disabling Backlighting
The RKP-200 backlighting feature illuminates a
device button as a reminder of the selected de-
vice as well as the button when the sound
is muted.
SW10 configures the backlighting mode:
To enable the backlighting, put SW10 in
the ON position.
To disable the backlighting, put SW10 in
the OFF position.