9 WARNING LEVEL : If available space in the hard disk drive reaches the setup percentage, a
warning message will be displayed to the user. Possible setup range is 1 ∼ 10% and 5∼10% is
generally used.
9 AUDIO : Select whether to store voice information.
Scheduled video recording mode can be used to setup the date and time when video recording will be carried
out automatically.
Setting Method
9 As you set INDEX, DAY, PROGRAM and HOUR, then the content will be immediately
displayed in the table.
9 If you select the start time and the stop time for recording in the table and click on them in
order, the content will be displayed in INDEX, DAY, PROGRAM and HOUR.
Deletion Method
9 Select the desired INDEX and then click on the Delete button. If you click on the Delete
button before selecting INDEX, then the content of INDEX that was selected previously will
be deleted first. After that, the content in the highest INDEX will be deleted and then others
INDEX will be deleted in the increasing order of INDEX.
Editing Method
9 Select the INDEX to be edited and then change DAY, PROGRAM and HOUR on your own.
9 If all the INDEX fields up to INDEX 50 are already set, then click on the time in the table to be
edited with your mouse. Click on the hour in the table to be changed, again with your mouse.
The previous setting will be deleted and overwritten with the change that you have just made.
9 If the same time is set twice then ‘!’ will be displayed in the table.
9 When you set the region of time, you may not include the existing time that is set previously.