" This LGD TV set is equipped wifh an infernal Cbsed Caption
decoder "Closed Caption" is a system which allows
conversations, narration, and sound effects in TV programs and
home videos to be viewed as captions on the TV screen (see
the illustration)
o Not all programs and videos wili offer closed captioning Please
look tot"the "_'_ symbol to ensure that capliona witl be shown
- The Closed Caplion broadcasts can be viewed in two modes:
CAPTION and TEXT For each mode. two channels are
available: OH1 and CH2
The CAPTION mode shows subscripts at dialogs and cammem
tades of TV dramas end news
programs while allowing a clear view
of lhe picture
The TEXT mode displays various
information over the picture {such as
TV program schedules and weather
forecasts, elc ) that is independent at
the TV programs
Setting the CLOSED CAPTION on the Menu screen
1 Press MENU to display the Menu screen
2 Press _/1_"to setect "SETUP"
3 Press ,&/_ to select "CLOSED CAPTION ", and press
4 Press _,/V fo change the CLOSED CAPTION setting.
and press ENTER
Directly setting the CLOSED CAPTION
1 Press CC todisplay the CO!TEXT screen
2 Press CC tochange the setting
_ CC/TEXT[OFF] *-CC/TEXT[CC1]----j
• COl: CLOSED CAPTION mode for OH1 data
CC2: CLOSED CAPTION mode for CH2 data
TI: TEXT mode for CH1 data
T2: TEXT mode for CH2 data
- If a broadCaSt contains Closed Caption data and MUTE is
pressed, _he LCD TV sol enters CLOSED CAPTION mode
automatically Pressing MUTE again will return the LCD TV set
to ils previous condition
- Closed Caption may malfunction (white bJocks, strange
characters, etc ) if signal conditions are poor or {I there are
probtems a! the broadcast source This does not necessarily
indicale a problem with your LCD TV set
o if any button is pressed to call up the On-Screen Display whi_e
viewing a Closed Caption broadcast, the cbsed captions wil_
disappear momentarily
- If no TEXT bre,_dcasl ts being received while viewing in the
TEXT mode, the screen may become blank for some p_ograms
Shoutd this occur, switch the CLOSED CAPTION mode to OFF
* If you select "CCl", "CC2_, "TI" or "T2" (or MUTE is pressed)
while _VIEW MODE" _s set to "ZOOM" or "STRETCH'*, then the
mode for "VIEW MODE" will be aulomaticaily changed to "4:3"
or "16:9"
• COl: CLOSED CAPTION mode fur CHt dala
6C2: CLOSED CAPTION mode for CH2 data
T't: TEXT mode for CH1 data
T2: TEXT mode for CH2 date
5 Press MENU to exit.