20 Chapter 3: Connecting Your System
Connecting the VCR Mouse
SAT-A2 receiver is pictured, but
connections are identical for SAT-B2.
The VCR Mouse works with the DSS receiver’s Timer function to
automatically start and stop the recording function of your VCR.
1 Connect the VCR Mouse to the DSS receiver’s VCR MOUSE/
CONTROL S OUT jack. Then place the VCR Mouse on top of and
slightly overhanging the front
of the VCR. For best results, place
the VCR Mouse directly above the VCR’s IR receiving area.
2 Find the three-digit code number for your VCR in the table below.
If more than one code number is listed, use the number listed first
to complete step 3.
3 Using the buttons on the VCR Mouse: 1) Press the SET button,
2) Enter the three-digit code number, 3) Press the ENTER button.
If the VCR Mouse doesn’t seem to be
working correctly, first check that the
VCR Mouse is positioned directly above
the VCR’s IR receiving area. If it’s still not
working, try this procedure again using
the other codes listed for your VCR. For
more troubleshooting information, see
page 90.
4 To check that the code is correct, press the 1 button on the VCR
Mouse. If the VCR turns on and off each time you press 1, the code
number is correct.
To use the VCR Mouse:
1) Set the DSS Timer (page 38), 2) Turn on the VCR and set the VCR’s
line input to the DSS receiver, 3) Insert a tape, 4) Turn off the VCR.
Manufacturer Code Manufacturer Code Manufacturer Code
Sony* 301, 302, 303 Hitachi 304, 305 Samsung 313, 321, 322
Bell & Howell 343 JVC 314 Scott 312
Daewoo 341 Magnavox 308, 309, 310 Sharp 327, 328
Emerson 316, 317, 318, 319, 320 Mitsubishi 323, 324, 325, 326 Shintom 315
Fisher 330, 333, 334, 335 NEC 336, 337 Symphonic 338
General Electric 304, 329 Panasonic 306, 307 Teknica 338, 342
Go-Video 339, 340 Philips 310 Toshiba 311
Goldstar 332 RCA 305 Zenith 331
*Code 301 is the default code for Sony VHS VCRs; for Sony 8mm VCRs, use code 302; for Sony Beta, ED VCRs, use code 303.