TOA Electronics D14409.01 Home Theater Server User Manual

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Adjusting Movi Settings Troubleshooting
Making calls
Key pad/DTMF
DTMF - Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling is used for telephone
signaling over the line in the voice-frequency band. This means that there will
be sent a tone representing the number clicked on the key pad.
There are several situations where you will need the tone based key pad.
If you are to log in to a password protected conference, you will be prompted
for a number. Bring up the key pad and click the required number.
If you are to set up a new conference using equipment that requires DTMF.
It can also be used if you are calling a voice system where you need to use
dial tones to navigate menus (e.g. “To speak to an operator, please press 1” ).
To bring up the key pad and enter a number:
Click the • Ke y P a d
Enter the required number•
Note: The key pad cannot be used to enter numbers in the Search field or in
any way write a number.
Using Movi outside your office
It is possible to use Movi outside your office and intranet.
If you are not able to use your Movi on the public internet, contact your
network administrator.