4.1 Searching broadcasting services 31
Choose your desired satellite at the Satellite Name op-
2. Set the Search Mode option to Advanced.
Choose your desired transponder at the Frequency op-
tion or enter it with the numeric buttons.
Enter the symbol rate of your desired transponder to the
Symbol Rate option with the numeric buttons.
Set the Polarization option to the polarization of your
desired transponder.
Specify the PIDs of your desired service at the PID option
with the numeric buttons. PID (Packet IDentifier) is a set
of numbers that identifies transport stream packets.
Searching every service of SMATV system
To search every service of a SMATV system, if the digital re-
ceiver is connected to it, perform the following steps:
Choose your desired satellite at the Satellite Name op-
2. Set the Search Mode option to SMATV.
Choose your desired transponder at the Frequency op-
tion or enter it with the numeric buttons.
Enter the symbol rate of your desired transponder to the
Symbol Rate option with the numeric buttons.
Set the Polarization option to the polarization of your
desired transponder.
You can search pay services as well as free services as follows:
To search only free services, set theFTA/Scrambled option
to FTA only.
• To search only pay services, set it to CAS only.