Troubleshooting & Maintenance
Some functionsare not availablein specific modes,but this isnot amalfunction. Read the
description inthis manual fordetails on correctoperations.
Some functionsare prohibited onsome discs.
Please refer to relevant topics in “Troubleshooting & Maintenance” on page 41 before returning
the product.
If this unit becomes inoperative, do not try to correctthe problem by yourself. There are no user-
serviceable partsinside. Turnoff, unplugthe powerplug, and pleasecall ourhelpline tolocate an
Authorized Service Center.
Cleaning the cabinet
Never use asolvent, thinner, benzene or alcoholto clean the unit. Donot spray insecticide liquid
near the unit. Such chemicals may discolor the surface or damage the unit.
Cleaning discs
When a disc becomes dirty, clean it with a cleaning cloth. Wipe the disc from the center to out.
Do not wipe in a circular motion.
Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner, commercially available cleaners, detergent,
abrasive cleaning agents or antistatic spray intended for analog records.
Cleaning the disclens
If this unit still does not perform properly although you refer to the relevant sections and to
“Troubleshooting” in thismanual, the laser opticalpickup unit maybe dirty. Consult yourdealer
or an Authorized Service Center for inspection and cleaning of the laser optical pickup unit.
Disc handling
Handle the discs so that fingerprints and dust do not adhere to the surfaces of the discs.
Always store the disc in its protective case when it is not used.
Note that discs with special shapes (heart-shaped discs, octagonal discs, etc.) cannot be played
back on this unit. Do not attempt to playback such discs, as they may damage the unit.
Angle doesnot switch The anglecannot be switchedfor Blu-ray Disc™/DVDwhich do not
contain multipleangles.
In somecases multiple anglesare only recordedfor specific scenes.
Playbackdoes notstartwhen thetitle
is selected
Check thesettings in theParental menu.
The passwordfor rating levelhas
been forgotten
If youforget your password,you needto go tothe Security setupmenu
toreset andinputanewpassword. Formoreinformation,see“Security”
on page38).
Cannot connectto the network Checkthat theLAN cable connectionis properly made.
Turn onthe modem orbroadband router.
Check thatthe broadband routerand/or modem iscorrectly connected.
Check theNetwork Connection Setting.
Cannot connectto the networkwhile
my PCis connected tothe network
Checkthe contentofyour Internetservicecontractto seeifyour Internet
service providerprevents multiple terminalsconnecting at thesame
Cannot usethe BD-Live™ function Use aUSB flashdrive with enoughspace.
Problem: Solution: