Troubleshooting 3M-Matic 800rf Case Sealer
6-8 Copyright 1999, 3M IPC. All rights reserved.
Electrical Circuit Fault Conditions
The Model 800rf Case Sealer displays electrical
circuit fault conditions on the Electrical Control
Panel with red light indicators along with a red
beacon light on a light pole.
The following table lists the red fault indicators that
light on the Electrical Control Panel. The table also
describes the fault conditions that may cause the
indicators to light, and suggests how to correct the
fault conditions.
ü Note
The red beacon light turns on for any fault condition
and remains on until the fault condition is corrected.
Red Fault Indicator on Panel Fault Condition Correction
E-STOP/SLIDING DOOR One or both E-Stop switches may Check the E-Stop switches; make sure
and FAULT be pressed. One or more sliding they are unlatched and up.
doors may be open. Check the sliding doors; make
sure they are closed.
FAULT Main Air Pressure Regulator set Refer to Specifications in Section 1 for
too low, or required air pressure the correct Main Air Pressure Gauge
is not being maintained during setting.
machine operation. Refer to Low Air Pressure Switch in
Section 3 for the correct adjustment
FAULT Carton jam within the case sealer. Remove the carton jam.
FAULT Motor Overload Circuit Breaker Determine the cause of the motor
has tripped. overload condition (e.g., carton jam).
Correct the problem, then reset the
Overload Circuit Breaker by pressing its
red STOP/RESET button, and then
pressing its green START button.
Refer to Overload Circuit Breaker in
Section 3 for the correct ampere setting.
FAULT Carton too narrow, less than 5.5 Refer to Specifications in Section 1 for
inches [140 millimeters] wide. the correct box sizes.