Adjustments 3M-Matic 800rf Case Sealer
3-14 Copyright 1999, 3M IPC. All rights reserved.
3-17. Counter-Balance Pressure Regulator
The Counter-Balance Pressure Regulator should be
set so the upper head assembly comes to a stop
between 0 and 1/8 inch from the top of the carton.
1. Refer to Figure 3-18. Adjust the Counter-Balance
Pressure Regulator on the underside of the
Pneumatic Control Panel so the gauge reads 40
PSIG with the Main Air Pressure Regulator
set correctly (CW increases pressure,
CCW decreases pressure). Observe the
Counter-Balance Pressure Gauge on the top of
the panel. Higher gauge pressure means more
pressure on top of the carton.
1. Observe production and examine cartons that
have been run.
ü Note
Too little pressure results in tape being cut improp-
erly or not being cut at all (head too high above box).
Too much pressure results in dragging and scoring
on the top of the cartons (head too low).
Figure 3-18. Counter-Balance Pressure Regulator
3-18. Case Top Sensitivity
Adjust the case top sense reed switch so that the head
lowers just enough to ensure that the side flaps are
held securely against the top of the case during the
taping operation. The downward pressure of the top
taping head must not be great enough to distort the
box in any way.
1. Slide the safety door fully open to gain access to
the reed switch.
2. Loosen the set screw securing the reed switch and
move the switch toward the infeed end of the
case sealer to decrease sensitivity (increase
pressure on the top of the case). Move the switch
toward the exit end of the case sealer to increase
sensitivity (decrease pressure on the top of the
box). Refer to Figure 3-19. (The switch is located
inside the paddle assembly.)
ü Note
The normal position for the case top sense reed
switch is almost fully toward the infeed end of the
case sealer.
3. When the case top sensitivity is correct, tighten
the set screw securing the reed switch. Avoid
switch movement while doing this.
Figure 3-19. Case Top Sensitivity Adjustment