3M™ Overhead Projector 9800
I llus tr a te d Pa r ts B re a kdo w n
© 3M 2001
Section 6
(Prior to S/N 623858)
No. Part Number Description Qty
1 (See Note 1) SCREW, Foot 4..... .......... .........................................................
2 26-1008-5211-5 FOOT, Mounting 4..... ....... ......................................................
3 78-8097-3567-9 ISOLATOR, Vibration 5..... ....... ..................................................
4 Not Available TAPE, Heat (Body) 1..... ......... .....................................................
5A 78-8097-3642-0 FAN, Crossflow, 120V (includes items 3 and 6) 1.... ....... ..............................
5B 78-8097-3643-8 FAN, Crossflow, 230V (includes items 3 and 6) 1.... ....... ..............................
6 Not Available TAPE, Insulator 1..... ........ .......................................................
7 78-8003-8728-0 BUSHING 1..... ....... ............................................................
8 (See Note 1) SCREW, Plastite, 6-19 x 5/16 2..... .......... ............................................
9 78-8079-8817-1 PIVOT, Cover 1..... ....... .........................................................
10 78-8097-3582-8 SHIELD, Heat 1.... ....... ........................................................
11 (See Note 1) SCREW, Type AB, 8-18 x 1/ 4 2.... .......... ............................................
12 Not Available INSULATOR, Thermal 1.... ......... ..................................................
13 26-1009-9680-5 STAND OFF 4.... ....... ..........................................................
14A 78-8097-3569-5 PCB, Overvoltage, 100V 1... ....... ................................................
14B 78-8097-3536-4 PCB, Overvoltage, 120V 1... ....... ................................................
14C 78-8097-3690-9 PCB, Overvoltage, 127V (Mexico only) (AAKD) 1... ....... .............................
14D 78-8097-3537-2 PCB, Overvoltage, 220V 1... ....... ................................................
14E 78-8097-3571-1 PCB, Overvoltage, 230V 1... ....... ................................................
14F 78-8097-3577-8 PCB, Overvoltage, 240V 1... ....... ................................................
15 Not Used....
16 (See Note 1) NUT, Keps, 6-32 1.... .......... .......................................................
17 78-8073-7212-9 SWITCH, Hi/L o 1.... ....... .......................................................
18 (See Note 1) SCREW, Machine, 6-32 x 3/8 1.... .......... ............................................
19 (See Note 1) SCREW, Taptite, M3.5 x 6 3.... .......... ...............................................
20A 78-8097-3566-1 TRANSFORMER, EVD, 100V 1... ....... ...........................................
20B 78-8097-3534-9 TRANSFORMER, 120V 1... ....... ................................................
20C 78-8097-3568-7 TRANSFORMER, EVD, 220V 1... ....... ...........................................
20D 78-8097-3535-6 TRANSFORMER, 230V 1... ....... ................................................
20E 78-8097-3570-3 TRANSFORMER, EVD, 240V 1... ....... ...........................................
21 (See Note 1) WASHER, Lock, #10, External Tooth 2.... .......... ......................................
22 (See Note 1) SCREW, Taptite, M4 x 60 2.... .......... ...............................................
23 78-8097-3511-7 BRACKET, Transformer 1.... ....... ................................................
24 78-8097-3513-3 BAFFLE, Intake 1.... ....... .......................................................
25 (See Note 1) SCREW, Taptite, Sems, M4 x 8 3.... .......... ...........................................
26 Not Available PLUG, Hole 3
.... ......... ..........................................................
27 26-1009-9195-4 CIRCUIT BREAKER 1.... ....... ...................................................
28 Not Available CAP, Plug, Black 1.... ......... ......................................................
29 (See Note 1) WASHER, Metal 1.... .......... ......................................................
Note 1. Order the 9000 Series Hardware Repair Kit (78-8054-1818-9). This kit contains a complete set of hardware for
the 9800 O.H.P.