3M™ Overhead Projector 9800
I llus tr a te d Pa r ts B re a kdo w n
© 3M 2001
Section 6
(Prior to S/N 623858)
No. Part Number Description Qty
30 (See Note 1) SCREW, Taptite, 8-32 x 3/8 1.... .......... ..............................................
31 (See Note 1) WASHER, Lock, #6, External Tooth 1.... .......... .......................................
32 Not Available BASE, 9800 1.... ......... ..........................................................
33 Not Available LABEL, Caution (Japan only) (ABKJ) 1.... ......... .....................................
34 78-8097-3685-9 BRACKET, Transformer, Deflector (U.S.) 1.... ....... ..................................
35A 78-8097-3683-4 BRACKET, Transformer, Deflector, (Int ernational) 1... ....... ...........................
35B 78-8097-3684-2 BRACKET, Transformer, Deflector (Japan only) (ABKJ) 1... ....... ......................
36 78-8097-3696-6 LUBRICATION KIT, Lampchanger (for machines prior t o January 1996) 1.... ....... .........
Note 1. Order the 9000 Series Hardware Repair Kit (78-8054-1818-9). This kit contains a complete set of hardware for
the 9800 O.H.P.