3M™ Overhead Projector 9800
I llus tr a te d Pa r ts B re a kdo w n
© 3M 2001
Section 10
No. Part Number Description Qty
1 (See Note 1) SCREW, Plastite, 6-19 x 5/16 12..... .......... ...........................................
2 78-8097-3564-6 SHIELD, Exhaust 1..... ....... ......................................................
3 (See Note 1) SCREW, Taptite, M3.5 x 6 3..... .......... ...............................................
4 (See Note 1) SCREW, Taptite, M3 x 12 2..... .......... ...............................................
5 26-1005-9599-5 FUSE, 5 Amp 1..... ....... .........................................................
6 Not Available SWITCH, On/Off 1..... ......... ......................................................
7 (See Note 1) SCREW, Taptite, M3 x 6 1..... .......... ................................................
8 26-1005-6624-4 FUSEHOLDER 1..... ....... .......................................................
9 Not Available BRACKET, Power Switch Mount 1..... ......... .........................................
10 78-8057-4184-6 LABEL, Fuse, 5 Amp 1.... ....... ...................................................
11 78-8079-8988-0 ROD, Lamp Changer 1.... ....... ...................................................
12 78-8097-3518-2 LEVER, Lamp Changer 1.... ....... .................................................
13 78-8097-3595-0 BUSHING 1.... ....... ............................................................
14 26-1005-7814-0 RING, Grip 1.... ....... ...........................................................
15 78-8097-3519-0 BRACKET, Lever 1.... ....... .....................................................
16 78-8079-8752-0 HOUSING, Lamp 1.... ....... ......................................................
17A 78-8097-3627-1 LABEL, Lamp Replacement (U.S.) 1... ....... ........................................
17B 78-8097-3583-6 LABEL, Lamp Replacement (Outside U.S.) 1... ....... .................................
18A 78-8079-9201-7 LABEL, Service (Australia) (AHKA) 1... ....... ......................................
18B 78-8073-3292-5 LABEL, Service (New Zealand) (AHKN) 1... ....... ...................................
19 78-8079-8797-5 PLATE, Cord, Small (Gray) 1.... ....... ..............................................
20 (See Note 1) SCREW, Plastite, 6-19 x 3/8 2.... .......... .............................................
21 Not Available BRACE, Lamp Module 1.... ......... .................................................
Note 1. Order the 9000 Series Hardware Repair Kit (78-8054-1818-9). This kit contains a complete set of hardware for
the 9800 O.H.P.