11h Off Off Off A Detect Configuration Mode,
such as CMOS clear.
13h Off Off G A Chipset Initialization before
CMOS initialization.
19h G Off Off A Init System Timer: The 8254
timer test is over. Starting the
memory refresh test next.
1Ah G Off G R Check Refresh Toggle: The
memory refresh line is toggling.
Checking the 15 second on/off
time next.
23h Off Off A G Setup Interrupt Vectors: Reading
the 8042 input port and
disabling the MEGAKEY Green
PC feature next. Making the
BIOS code segment writable and
performing any necessary
configuration before initializing
the interrupt vectors.
24h Off G R Off Before Vector: Configuration is
required before interrupt vector
initialization has completed.
Interrupt vector initialization is
about to begin.
25h Off G R G Init interrupt Vectors: Interrupt
vector initialization is done.
F2h R R A R Initialize SMM handler. Initialize
USB emulation.
F5h R A R A Validate NVRAM areas. Restore
from backup if corrupted.
Diagnostic LED Decoder