81h R Off Off G Keyboard Interface Test: A
keyboard reset error or stuck key
was found. Issuing the keyboard
controller interface test
command next.
82h R Off G Off Check Stuck Key Enable
Keyboard: The keyboard
controller interface test
completed. Writing the
command byte and initializing
the circular buffer next.
83h R Off G G Disable parity NMI: The
command byte was written and
global data initialization has
completed. Checking for a
locked key next.
84h R G Off Off Verify RAM Size: Checking for a
memory size mismatch with
CMOS RAM data next.
84h R G Off Off Check ATA Cable Type presence
of ATAPI devices.
84h R G Off Off Display Keyboard Message.
16h Off G G R Display IDE mass storage devices.
17h Off G G A Display USB mass storage
85h R G Off G Report the first set of POST
Errors To Error Manager.
86h R G G Off Boot Password Check: The
password was checked.
Performing any required
programming before Setup next.
Diagnostic LED Decoder