6 Technical Reference
8Dh A G Off G OEM Patch 9.
8Dh A G Off G Set Printer RS-232 Timeout.
8Dh A G Off G Init FDD Devices: Resetting the
hard disk controller next.
95h R G Off A Lock out PS/2 keyboard/mouse if
unattended start is enabled.
92h R Off G R Option ROM Scan.
98h A Off Off R Init Boot Devices: The adapter
ROM had control and has now
returned control to BIOS POST.
Performing any required
processing after the option ROM
returned control.
9Bh A Off G A Float Processor Initialize:
Performing any required
initialization before the
coprocessor test next.
9Eh A G G R Enable Interrupts 0,1,2: Checking
the extended keyboard,
keyboard ID, and NUM Lock key
next. Issuing the keyboard ID
command next.
A2h R Off A Off Report second set of POST errors
To Error messager.
86h R G G Off Prepare And Run Setup: Error
manager displays and logs POST
errors. Waits for user input for
certain errors. Execute setup.
8Bh A Off G G Set Base Expansion Memory Size.
Diagnostic LED Decoder