
Chapter 12: Managing Tasks 127
Monitoring Tasks
Use the two main panels of the Task Manager to monitor your tasks:
Monitor upcoming tasks in the Task List (see below)
Check past tasks and task events in the Task Event Log (see page 127)
Monitoring Upcoming Tasks in the Task List
The Task List displays all scheduled tasks in order of creation, and
includes basic information about each task. Although you can’t sort the
tasks in any other order, you can reorganize the columns in the Task List
by clicking and dragging the column heads (see the Figure on page 105).
The Status column of the Task List shows the current condition of each
Scheduled—The task is scheduled to be completed at a future date
and time.
Executed—The task has been completed successfully.
Executed*—A recurring task has been completed once and will be
repeated at the scheduled time.
Error—The task has not been completed successfully. (For more
information about an error, double-click the task in the Task List to
open the Task Properties window.)
Checking Past Tasks and Events in the Event Log
The Event Log displays detailed information about the Task Manager
itself, such as when scheduled events were modified, deleted, or
completed successfully.
By default, task events are listed in the order they occurred, with the
most recent event first. To make it easier to find a specific event, click on
the column heads to sort task events. You can also reorganize the
columns by clicking and dragging the column heads (see the Figure on
page 105).