Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager ● 19
Growing Your Storage Space with Adaptec
Storage Manager
As your requirements change, Adaptec Storage Manager grows with
your storage space as you add more controllers, more disk drives, more
logical drives, and more data protection.
A Simple Storage Space
The example below shows the sort of simple storage space that might be
appropriate in a home office or for a small business. This storage space
includes one RAID controller and two disk drives installed in a server.
For data protection, the disk drives have been used to build a RAID 1
logical drive.
An Advanced Storage Space
The example below shows how you can grow your storage space to meet
the expanding requirements of your business. For data protection,
segments of space from each disk drive have been used to build two
RAID 5 logical drives. One logical drive stores all the customer
information and the other logical drive stores the business’s accounting,
payroll, and personnel information.
daptec Storage Manager
daptec Storage Manager