Step 4: Building Your Storage Space ● 55
10 Click Apply, then click Ye s .
Adaptec Storage Manager builds the logical drive(s). The
configuration is saved on the Adaptec controller and on the physical
11 Repeat Steps 1 to 10 for each controller on your system.
12 Partition and format your logical drives. See page 50 for more
If your storage space comprises one or more Adaptec RAID controllers
on a single computer, building is complete. Continue with Managing
Your Storage Space on page 59.
If you have installed Adaptec RAID controllers on more than one
computer and wish to add them to your storage space, continue with
Including More Systems in Your Storage Space below.
Including More Systems in Your Storage Space
If you have installed Adaptec RAID controllers on more than one
computer, to continue building your storage space:
● From each individual computer, log in to Adaptec Storage Manager
and repeat Steps 1 to 12 to continue building your storage space, or
● From your local system, log in to all the other computers as remote
systems (see page 61), then repeat Steps 1 to 12 to continue building
your storage space.
Note: The maximum number of supported RAID controllers varies
depending on your operating system. See RAID Controller Support on
page 59 for more information.
When your storage space is complete, continue with Managing Your
Storage Space on page 59.