8 Issue 1, August 2003 61182210L1-5A
E1 Options (E1 Mode Only) Line Coding 1 = AMI
2 = HDB3
Framing Mode 1 = Unframed
2 = CCS
3 = CCS w/CRC-4
Idle Pattern 00h to FFh FFh
CCS w/CRC-4 Mode Only)
1 = Disabled
2 = Enabled
Test options Loopback Timeout 0 = Disabled
1 to 999 Minutes = Timeout
BERT Pattern 1 = ALT
2 + 2047
3 = 2e15 – 1
4 = QRSS
2e15 – 1
BERT Pattern Polarity 1 = Normal
2 = Inverted
Table 4. Configuration Options List (Continued)
Category Option Setting Default
Table 5. E1 Port Statistics Definitions
Statistic Framing Mode Definition
Errored Seconds (ES) Unframed LOS condition or BPV’s > 0
CCS LOS or LOF condition, or if BPV’s > or FE’s > 0
CCS w/CRC-4 LOS, LOF, or LOMFA condition, or if FE’s > 0 or CRC-4
errors > 0
Severely Errored Seconds (SVS) Unframed LOS condition
CCS LOS or LOF condition or if FE’s > 4
CCS w/CRC-4 LOS, LOF, or LOMFA condition, or if FE’s > 4 or CRC-4
errors ≥
Unavailable Seconds (UAV) N/A If 10 continuous SES’s, then UAS
If 10 continuous seconds with no SES’s, then no UAS
Code Violations Count (CVC) Unframed If BPV’s > 0
CCS If BPV’s > 0, or FE’s > 0
CCS w/CRC-4 If FE’s > 0 or CRC-4 errors > 0