
(DS5) (DS9)
~Time LEDs
1111 1111
0000 0000
200 ms on
200 ms off
A7 flashes LEDs
0000 1000 08 starting A7 test
0000 0010 02 A8 RAM DSACK test
0001 0100 14 starting A8 RAM test
0001 0110 16 starting A8 refresh test
0001 1100 1C 4s starting A8 program ROM test
0000 0000 00 4s clear LEDs
1010 0000 A0 A7 MFP test
1010 0001 A1 starting A7 DSP test
1010 0010 A2 fast bus test
0101 1110 AE 200 ms front panel test
1111 1111 FF Remain on
0 = LED off
1 = LED on
† When no failure occurs, these codes appear for only a very short time and probably won’t be visible.
If the power-on LEDs display a code for more than 4 seconds, a failure
occurred in the core assemblies or on the buses.
For additional information on the power-on test, see the ‘’Power-on Test
Descriptions’’ on page 10-3.
Step 3. Determine the next step by comparing the power-on test results to the
following table.
Power-on LEDs Next Test
LEDs stop and display a fail code.
A7 DS101 (green, run LED) is off.
CPU, memory, and
buses, page 4-18
LEDs pass, but the screen is defective. Display, 4-22
LEDs pass, but it takes more than 3 minutes before the keys are active.
LEDs pass and screen appears normal, but keys do not function.
IIC Bus, page 4-25
Agilent 35670A Troubleshooting the Analyzer
To troubleshoot power-up failures