Song Mode
Song Mode: The MISC Page
Quantize is used to quantize your performance as you record it in. However, you may wish to
record without quantization and go back and quantize at a later point. To do this, use the
Quantize function in the Track Editor.
This setting determines the size of the Input Quantize grid expressed as a fraction of a Bar with
a 4/4 meter. Set Grid to 1/1 for whole note grid, 1/16 for sixteenth notes. All of the standard note
durations and every fractional Bar divisions in between (including triplets, for example,
1/12 = 1/8tr, 1/24 = 1/16tr, and so on) are available as the size of the Input Quantize grid. You
can select commonly used Grid values by double-pressing the Plus/Minus buttons.
The Swing percentage is applied to the quantize grid. Zero percent swing is straight time, 100%
produces a swing (triplet) feel. A positive Swing value determines how close every other grid
location is moved to a point 1/3 of the way towards the next grid point. Negative Swing moves
every other grid location closer to a point 1/3 of the way towards the previous grid point.
The Sync parameter is used in conjunction with Clock. It controls transmission and reception of
MIDI sync messages except actual clock. These are the messages it controls: Song Start, Song
Stop, Song Continue, Song Select, and Song Position Pointer.
Song Select
Song Select is a command similar to a Program Change command; it enables you to select songs
via MIDI. Like other MIDI messages, Song Select has 128 values. That’s about half the number of
songs you can store in the K2661, so if you have a lot of songs, you can’t use Song Select to select
all of them.
The K2661 maximizes the number of songs you can select by remapping Song Select values of
0–127 so they match the way songs are stored in the K2661’s RAM banks (75 in the Zeros bank
and 20 in each of the other nine banks). If you want to use Song Select extensively, you should
number your songs according to the song IDs listed in the following table. Songs in the Zeros,
100s, and 900s banks are not available for selection with Song Select.
Song Position Pointer
The K2661 sends a Song Position Pointer message via MIDI when you start a song. The message
indicates the location (Bar and Beat) at which the song starts playing—often that’s the start of
the song (1:1), but you can set the Locate parameter anywhere you want, and start the song from
Song Select Value Song ID
0–19 200–219
20–39 300–319
40–59 400–419
60–79 500–519
80–99 600–619
100–119 700–719
120–127 800–807