K2661 Getting Started Guide
SCSI IDs 13-4
SCSI Musical Data Interchange 1-2
Search function 3-7
Select soft button 13-9
Selecting a Song for Playback 12-19
Selecting Modes 3-1
Selecting modes 4-1
Selecting parameters 3-2
Selecting programs 2-6
Selection by Dependents 13-40
Selection by Type/Range 13-39
controlling KDFX with 9-18
tutorial 12-1
Setting Up For Sampling 14-1
Setup button 5-8
Setup Editor
Control Setup 7-2
Setup Mode
Channel/Program (CH/PROG) Page 7-2
Setup mode 4-3, 7-1
Setups 2-6
Muting zones 5-8
Selecting via MIDI 10-11, 10-12
Special-purpose B-1
Transposing 7-2
Setups (ROM), list C-2, D-2
Signal-to-noise ratio 2-3
SIMMs 1-2, 14-4
Size of algorithms 9-3
Sleep soft button 13-6
SmartMedia 2-3, 13-2
formatting 13-2
SMDI 1-2
Soft buttons 3-3
Disk Mode page 13-6
Master mode 11-11
MIDI mode 10-14
in Program Mode 6-10
Soft reset A-3
Soft Through
with Song Mode 12-2
software updates A-2
Software Upgrades 2-8
Song button 5-8
Song Mode 12-1
MISC Page 12-32
MIX Page 12-39
Song mode 4-4
Song playback 12-19
Memory limits 12-23
Recording 3-10
Recording via MIDI 12-23
Synchronizing 12-20
Special button functions 5-8
Special-purpose Setups B-1
Src parameter
Sample page 14-3
Standard K2600 ROM Objects B-1
Startup 2-1, 13-5
soft button on Utility page 11-12
Storing Objects in Memory Banks 13-34
Studio 9-2
Studio Editor 9-4
Studios 9-14
Substituting characters 3-7
Sustain not working 10-5
Synchronizing songs 12-20, 12-36
System Exclusive 10-4
System Exclusive dumps 11-19
System Exclusive ID 10-6
Terminating SCSI devices 13-3
Threshold (Thresh) 14-5
Time 14-5
Top line of display 3-3
Total size of all files 13-10
Track mute 12-40
Track Status Indicators
MIX page 12-40
Master 11-2
MIDI 10-2
Transposing setups 7-2
Triggering sampler from keyboard 14-5
Triggering samples from audio signals 14-4
Tuning to other instruments 11-1
Using the Digital Outputs 15-3
Using the modes 4-3
Using your K2600 in a SCSI System 13-4
Utilities 11-12
Variable Architecture Synthesis 1-1, 1-2
VAST 1-1, 1-2
VAST program structure 6-2
VAST programs 2-4
Velocity maps 10-3, 10-6
Velocity sensitivity 11-2
Ventilation 2-2
View soft button 11-10
Viewing Selected Objects 13-26
Vocoder 11-5
Voice allocation 11-12
Voice channels 6-2
Voltage levels 2-2
MIDI 10-8
Volume Level
MIX page 12-39
Volume lock 10-9
Wind controller
controlling K2600 with 11-14
World-Wide Web 2-8