K2661 Getting Started Guide
MIDI 10-8
Pan lock 10-9
Pan Position
MIX page 12-39
Panic button 6-10, 10-14
Parameter locks 10-9
Parameters 9-3
soft button 13-10
Parentheses, enclosing program name 6-9
Patch Through
with Song mode 12-2
Path 13-4
PAUs 9-3
PCH 10-10
Pitch changing
with Live Mode 14-11
Playing songs 12-19
Plus/Minus buttons 3-4
Polyphony 6-2, 11-12
Power cable 2-2
Power Mode
MIDI Receive page 10-7
Pressure maps 10-3, 10-6
Pressure sensitivity 11-2
Previous page 5-8
Processor Allocation Units
see PAUs
Program button 5-8
Program change formats 10-9
Program change type 10-5
Program changes
Extended 10-10
Kurzweil 10-10
MIDI 10-3, 10-11, 10-12
Quick Access banks 10-11, 10-12
Quick Access mode 8-1
Program lock 10-9
Program mode 2-4, 4-3, 6-1, 6-9
Soft buttons 6-10
Program mode page 6-9
Program names in parentheses 6-9
Programs 2-4
KB3 2-5, 6-4
Live mode 2-6
Selecting 2-6
VAST 2-4
Programs (ROM), list C-2, D-2
Punctuation 5-4
QA 0–127 10-13
QA banks (ROM), list C-2, D-2
Input 12-35
Quick Access bank program changes 10-11, 10-12
Quick Access Banks
list of 8-2
Quick Access button 5-8
Quick Access Editor 8-1
Quick Access mode 2-7, 4-4
Quick Mute
Song Mode MIX Page 12-40
Quick Mute Track Bank Indicator
MIX page 12-40
Quick Scrolling to Subdirectories 13-11
RAM objects 5-2, 5-5
Rate 14-3
Recording Multi-timbral Sequences via MIDI 12-23
Recording songs 3-10
Recording songs via MIDI 12-23
Relink-by-Name 13-30
Renaming multiple objects 3-7
Renaming objects 5-3
with Name utility 11-18
hard 11-14, A-3
soft A-3
Reset MIDI channels 10-14
Resetting the KSP8 A-3
ROM Keymaps, list C-3, D-3
ROM objects 5-4
ROM objects, saving 5-2
ROM Programs, list C-2, D-2
ROM QA banks, list C-2, D-2
ROM Samples, list C-3, D-3
ROM Setups, list C-2, D-2
soft button 13-10
Safety precautions 2-2
Sample 14-5
Sample memory 1-2, 14-4
Sample recording
aborting 14-6
entering from Master Mode 11-13
triggering from keyboard 14-5
triggering from audio signals 14-4
Samples (ROM), list C-3, D-3
Sampling Analog Signals 14-2
Save dialog 5-3
Saving and namingObjects
Saving 5-3
Saving Dependent Objects 13-28
Saving Files 13-24
Saving files 5-7
Saving Individual Objects 13-25
Saving Master and Everything Files 13-24
Saving objects
RAM 5-5
ROM 5-4
Saving RAM objects 5-2
Saving ROM objects 5-2
SCSI connections 2-3
SCSI devices 13-1
Formatting 13-4
Termination 13-3
SCSI ID 10-6