Server Administration
102 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator Guide
COVERAGEADDR “ ” (Null) Call Coverage/Messages URI for SIP telephones. The
URI used for Call Coverage and Messages buttons.
Valid values are zero or one URI (0 to 255 ASCII
characters). Null (“”) is a valid value, but the value may
not contain spaces.
CTISTAT 1 Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) Status
(1=enabled, 0=disabled). Applies only to H.323
CTIUDPPORT 49721 CTI UDP listener port (49714 through 49721, inclusive).
Applies only to H.323 telephones.
DATESEPARATOR / Date Separation Character for SIP telephones. Valid
value is one ASCII graphic character from exclamation
point (hex 21) through tilde (hex 7E). Null (“”) is not a
valid value. The specified character is used to separate
the month, day, and year on the telephone display.
DATETIMEFORMAT 0 Time/Date Display Format for SIP telephones. Valid
value is one ASCII numeric digit, 0 to 3. The values and
associated Time and Date format the SIP telephones
display are:
0 = 12-hour time, mm/dd/yy
1 = 12-hour time, dd/mm/yy
2 = 24-hour time, mm/dd/yy
3 = 24-hour time, dd/mm/yy
See Setting the Date and Time on SIP IP Telephones
page 112 for more information.
DHCPSTD 0 DHCP Standard flag. If set to “1” the telephone strictly
follows the DHCP standard with respect to giving up IP
addresses when the DHCP lease expires. If set to “0” the
telephone continues using the IP address until it detects
reset or a conflict (see DHCP Generic Setup
DIALPLAN “ ” (Null) The Dial Plan for SIP telephones. Valid values are zero
to 1000 of the following ASCII characters:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, #, x, Z, z, [, ], -, +, |.
See Setting the Dial Plan on SIP IP Telephones
page 113 for specific guidelines.
DIALWAIT 5 Dialing Timeout Interval for SIP telephones. Valid values
are one or two ASCII numeric digits, 0 to 10. This
parameter controls how many seconds the telephone
waits after each dialable character is dialed. If an
appropriate dial plan has not been defined, the SIP
telephone assumes the number is complete and initiates
a call when the timeout interval is reached.
Table 10: 4600 Series IP Telephone Customizable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default Value Description and Value Range
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