Server Administration
80 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator Guide
Note: All bundles include the complete software for the other, non-4610SW/4620SW/
4621SW/4622SW Telephones. The software includes the 4620 IP Telephone, but
not the 4630/4630SW, which remains separate. The only differences between the
three bundles are the software for the 4610SW, 4620SW, 4621SW, and
4622SWs, and a slight change in the associated upgrade script file.
The 4602/4602SW/4602SW+, 4610SW, 4620SW, and 4621SW IP Telephones can support
either H.323 or SIP signaling protocols. If a majority of your 4600 Series IP Telephones are
H.323-based, which is the most common situation, you can use any or all of the software
bundles identified in this section. If a majority are SIP-based, select the fourth software bundle,
identified as the “SIP” software bundle on the Web site. The application files in this SIP software
bundle are the same as in the default bundle. The difference is a modified upgrade script file
that assumes SIP is the default protocol for 4602/4602SW/4602SW+, 4610SW, 4620SW, and
4621SW IP Telephones, and that H.323 is the exception.
When you have a mixture of H.323 and SIP telephones, use the SIG system value to ensure
that each telephone type has appropriate software downloaded. The SIG system value has
three legal values:
● the default value “0” which indicates “use the default protocol,”
● “1” meaning “use H.323,” and
● “2” meaning “use SIP.”
You decide the meaning of “the default protocol.” If the majority of your IP telephones are
H.323-based, that should be the default. Otherwise, SIP is the default.
The SIG system value cannot be set in the 46xxsettings file or in the upgrade script file. SIG can
only be set on a telephone-by-telephone basis. Instead of manually setting SIG yourself, first
instruct the installers of the non-default phones to perform the SIGnaling Protocol Identifier
procedure in Chapter 3 of the 4600 Series IP Telephone Installation Guide. For example, if
yours is a largely H.323 environment, when SIP phones are installed the SIG system value
should be set to “2.” If yours is a largely SIP environment, when H.323 phones are installed the
SIG system value should be set to “1”.
Detailed information about SIP is available in the SIP-related documentation, provided
elsewhere on the Avaya support Web site.
Note: As indicated above, although the SIG system value is a Release 2.0 feature, the
4601 IP Telephone supports SIG functionality, even though the 4601 currently
supports only Release 1.8 software.