Creating Web Sites for the 4630/4630SW IP Telephone
156 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator Guide
● <dfn> indicates a definition for a term. This is usually used with the first appearance of a
term in a document.
The enclosed text is shown in an italic font.
● <em> indicates emphasis on a string of text. This is the contextual equivalent of using the
<i> (italic) tag.
The enclosed text is shown in an italic font.
● <ins> indicates inserted text. It shows editorial markup.
The enclosed text is shown underlined.
● <kbd> indicates keyboard input. This is similar to the <code> tag, but with a different
contextual intent.
The enclosed text is shown in a monospaced font.
● <samp> indicates literal text.
The enclosed text is shown in a monospaced font.
● <strong> indicates emphasis on some text, but in a stronger contextual sense than the
<em> tag. This is the contextual equivalent of using the <b> (bold) tag.
The enclosed text is shown in a bold font.
● <var> indicates source code variables. This is similar to the <code> tag, but with a different
contextual intent.
The enclosed text is shown in an italic font.
Logical Style
Tags that control logical style provide a similar functionality to those that control content-based
style, but they have no implicit visual characteristics or contextual meaning. Instead, they only
provide a means of invoking a style sheet. These tags, like all others, might have an ID and
class attribute set. Using style sheet rules for these class names and IDs allows the designer to
provide decoration, font, and color styles for each section. Thus, these tags can be considered
to be designer-defined, content-based tags:
● <div> indicates a division. A newline is inserted between the previous text and the text
following the <div> tag. No physical changes are noticeable, except those implemented in
style sheets.
● <span> indicates a spanned section of text is placed immediately after the text that
precedes the tag with a newline. No physical changes are noticeable, except those
implemented in style sheets.