Appendix 11 Accessing Text-To-Speech
Page 11-2 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Accessing Text-To-Speech Messages
TSP500 has the ability to play an arbitrary Text-To-Speech (TTS) voice mes-
sage. The creation of the TTS message is not the responsibility of the
TSP500, but the TSP500 must have read access to the message.
Access to the message is to be provided by a Samba mount to an external
drive. You would mount the external drive locally to the path /home/tts. To
ensure that the drive is always mounted, you must insert an entry into the /etc/
fstab file.
An example of the entry is:
//<IP Address>/<directory path> <local directory path>
username=<name>,password=<password>,<additional options> 0 0
//<Host Name>/<directory path> <local directory path>
username=<name>,password=<password>,<additional options> 0 0
// smbfs username=eisadmin/Shelton,pass-
word=admin,defaults 0 0
//Minnie/Apps /home/tts smbfs username=eisadmin/Shelton,pass-
word=admin,defaults0 0
// /home/tts smbfs defaults 0 0
“defaults” =