Chapter 3 Starting/Configuring TSP500
Page 3-18 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Trunk Type
The “Type” field indicates whether this span is used as a normal span con-
nected to the network (T), as a normal span acting as the network (N), or spe-
cifically used as a Digital Station span (D).
Trunk Board Number
The “BoardNumber” field indicates the assigned physical board number.
Trunk Variant
The “Variant” field indicates the network protocol variant.
immi US T1 Robbed Bit Protocol Immediate Start Inbound.
imm US T1 Robbed Bit Protocol Immediate Start Outbound.
r2i MFC-R2 E1 Inbound Inbound
r2o MFC-R2 E1 Outbound Outbound
r2io MFC-R2 E1 Inbound Outbound Inbound/Outbound
ap2i AP2 E1 Inbound Inbound
ap2o AP2 E1 Outbound Outbound
ap2io AP2 E1 Inbound/Outbound Inbound/Outbound
Table 3-4: Trunk Span Protocols.
Table 3-5: Trunk Protocol Support Variants.
Variant Description
E10 AT&T 5ESS10.
DMS Northern Telecome DMS-100
NI2 Bellcore National 2.
VN6 France Telecom Euro ISDN and Euro Numeris.
QSIG Signaling at the Q reference point.
NONE No Variant (for US T1 Robbed Bit Protocol).
AUS Australian Telecom 1
VN6 France