
© 2004-7 by SER Solutions, Inc. ("SER"). All rights reserved. This information includes con-
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closed without the prior written consent of SER Solutions. All information in this document is
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ten permission of SER Solutions.
SER Solutions, Inc., and its logos are trademarks of SER Solutions, Inc.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a
trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only, and may be trade-
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The customer acknowledges that:
SER Solutions has given no assurance, nor made any representations or warranties of
any kind with respect to the product, the results of its use, or otherwise.
SER Solutions makes no warranty regarding the applicable software package, its mer-
chantability or fitness for a particular purpose; and all other warranties, express or implied,
are excluded.
with Laws and
Use of CPSEE_TSP500 may be subject to Federal or State laws, administrative rules or reg-
ulations, such as, but not limited to, regulations of the Federal Trade Commission regarding
telemarketing (collectively “Laws”). SER Solutions assumes no liability and makes no repre-
sentations that the user's use of the CPSEE_TSP500 complies with any such Laws. The
user is advised to consult with legal counsel regarding its compliance with such Laws.
License Notice
Your license agreement with SER Solutions specifies the permitted and prohibited uses of
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Version 4.0
September 2007
SER Solutions, Inc.
45925 Horseshoe Circle
Dulles, VA 20166
Technical Support: 800 765 4347