Chapter 5 CLI – Layer 2
P332G-ML User’s Guide 101
Note: This command is not supported by the P333R and P333R-LB switches.
The syntax for this command is:
set boot bank <value>
P330-1(super)# set boot bank bank-a
Boot bank set to bank-a
Set intermodule port redundancy Command
Use the set intermodule port redundancy command to define or delete the
stack’s unique intermodule redundancy scheme. The defined scheme can be
enabled or disabled using the reversed set port spantree enable/disable
The syntax for this command is:
set intermodule port redundancy <module/prim-port> <module/
second-port> {on [<name>]}
P330-N> set intermodule port redundancy 1/7 2/12 on backbone
backbone: port 2/12 is intermodule redundant to port 1/7
Note: If you wish to define a name which includes spaces, you must enclose the
entire name in quotation marks, e.g. "new york".
value {bank-a | bank-b}
<module/prim-port> The primary port number
<module/second-port> The secondary port number
{on} Set the intermodule redundancy
[<name>] The name of the fast redundancy (default is 'fast')