Chapter 4 CLI – Architecture, Access & Conventions
222 P332G-ML User’s Guide
Conventions Used
The following conventions are used in this chapter to convey instructions and
• Mandatory keywords are in boldface.
• Variables that you supply are in pointed brackets <>.
• Optional keywords are in square brackets [].
• Alternative but mandatory keywords are grouped in braces {} and separated by
a vertical bar |.
• If you enter an alphanumeric string of two words or more, enclose the string in
inverted commas.
• Information displayed on screen is displayed in text font.
Navigation, Cursor Movement and Shortcuts
The CLI contains a simple text editor with these functions:
Getting Help
On-line help may be obtained at any time by typing a question mark (?), or the
word help on the command line or by pressing the F1 key. To obtain help for a
specific command, type the command followed by a space and a question mark.
Example: Router> show?
Table 4.1 Navigation, Cursor Movement and Shortcuts
Keyboard Functions
Backspace Deletes the previous character
Up arrow/Down arrow Scrolls back and forward through the command
history buffer
Left arrow/Right arrow Moves the cursor left or right
Tab Completes the abbreviated command. Type the
minimum number of characters unique to the
command. An exception is the Reset System
command which you must type in full.
Enter Executes a single-line command
“ “ If you type a name with quotation marks, the
marks are ignored.