Chapter 6 CLI – Layer 3
P332G-ML User’s Guide 141
show ip arp Command
Use the show ip arp command to display the Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) cache.
The syntax for this command is:
show ip arp
[<if-name> | <vlan> | <ip addr> |
Note: If you wish to define a name which includes spaces, you must enclose the
entire name in quotation marks, e.g. "new york".
show ip reverse-arp Command
Use this command to display the IP address of a host, based on a known MAC
The syntax for this command is:
show ip reverse-arp <mac addr> [<match len>]
if-name Interface name (string up to 32 chars)
vlan VLAN NAME (string up to 16 chars) or VLAN ID (number)
ip-addr The IP address of the station(s)
ip-mask The ip mask of the routes.
static Display static ip ARP information.
show ip arp Display all ARP mapping
show ip arp marketing Display interface ARP mapping
show ip arp Display one host ARP mapping
show ip arp Display range of ARP mapping
show ip arp marketing_vlan Display vlan ARP mapping
show ip arp static Display static ARP mapping
mac addr MAC address
match len The number of bytes in the address to match