38 MPX1000 Extender Installer/User Guide
Figure 4.5 illustrates the basic flow of serial data among MPX1000 units and attached devices.
Figure 4.5: Serial Passthrough Mode
Use the Serial Passthrough parameters section on the transmitter’s Serial Settings page to specify
the serial mode and settings.
To configure serial passthrough mode:
1. Select Serial Settings from the Transmitter Menu, located on the left side of the web page.
Figure 4.6 on page 39 illustrates these settings.
2. Choose one of the following Serial Passthrough Modes from the drop-down list:
a. Disabled–Serial port on the transmitter and receiver units is not used.
b. Simple passthru–Serial data received at the serial port of the transmitter will be broadcast
to all bound receivers.
3. Choose the serial baud rate for the local serial port from the Baud Rate drop-down list.
4. Choose the serial data size for the local serial port from the Data Size drop-down list.
5. Choose the number of serial stop bits for the local serial port from the Stop Bit drop-down list.
6. Choose the serial parity for the local serial port from the Parity drop-down list.