Chapter 4: Additional Functions 43
OEM ID Tx The OEM identifier assigned to the unit. This information may be required for
technical support but is not required for normal use of the product.
Country Code Both The country code for the product. See Supported ISO Country Codes on page 70.
This is currently not user configurable.
Product Type Both The product type for the unit: MPX1000T or MPX1000R.
Operational Status Tx For transmitters, this field will indicate the number of bound/active receivers. For
receivers, this field will indicate if the receiver is currently connected to a
transmitter. For all units, this field will provide flash upgrade status.
A/V Module Type Both The type of media module inserted, such as HD15 or HDMI.
Session IP
Both The IP address for the LAN interface on the extension network.
Wireless Channel
Both The wireless channel number in use. Only displayed on wireless
Actual Antenna
Tx The effective radiated power inclusive of extension attenuation and gains due to
power settings and specialized antennas.
Signal Strength
Rx An indication of the wireless signal strength on the receiver unit. Only displayed
on wireless A/V networks. Ranges from 0 to 100, with 0 representing weak signal
strength and 100 representing maximum signal strength. A graphical display is
also provided as follows:
• Poor signal – No bars or one red bar
• Passable signal quality – A red bar and one or two yellow bars; signal quality
should be improved
• Good signal quality – A red bar, two yellow bars and one or two green bars
Frame Rate Rx The video frame rate on the receiver unit. With no lost frames, the frame rate will
alternate between 29 and 30 frames per second. Wireless bandwidth contention
and poor signal quality may result in lower frame rates. Refer to Fine Tuning
Parameters on page
33 for tips on restoring acceptable frame rates.
Table 4.2: Status Page Information (Continued)
Tx /
Rx Description