LED-PRO • User’s Guide 139
LED-PRO Remote Commands
• Description: Sets Input Colorspace for the selected input channel. SMPTE,
BETA, and M-II colorspace available only if input type is YPbPr
• Parameters:
in - Input chnl [1-4]
mode - [0-3] RGB | SMPTE | BETA | M-II
• Query:
ICSP? in
Returns the Input Colorspace for the specified input channel in the format
= mode
S ICSP 1 2 (Sets YPbPr input colorspace to Beta for channel 1)
S ICSP? 2 (Queries channel 2 for Input Colorspace.)
• Description: Query Input configuration name used for specified channel.
• Parameters: in - Input chnl [1-4]
• Returns: Name of the Input configuration used (if any)
S ICUSE 1 (Lists names of saved input configurations used by channel 1.)
• Description: Set Input Edge in oversample mode. The minimum and maximum
limit is dependent on the input resolution.
• Parameters:
in - Input chnl [1-4]
edge (L|R|T|B)
nnnn - Input edge: nnnn
if edge=L [Input H Sync-( Input H Sync + (Input H total X 0.25))]
if edge=R [((H Total - H Front Porch))X0.9 -(H total)]
if edge= T [ Vsync - (Vsync +128)]
if edge= B [ (V total -64) - Vtotal)]
• Query:
IEDGE? in edge
Returns the Input Edge value in the format
= nnnn
S IEDGE 1 R 1024 (Set Input Right Edge to 1024)
S IEDGE? 1 L (Queries Input Left Edge value)
• Description: Sets Input Gamma for the selected input channel
• Parameters:
in - Input chnl [1-4]
n - [1.0-3.0] increment 0.1