LED-PRO • User’s Guide 85
4. Operation
Using the Expert Mode Menu
From the Expert Mode Menu, select Effects to display the Effects Menu which enables
you to select the transition effect that is used when switching between input channels.
Figure 4-68. Effects Menu (sample)
Following are descriptions of each menu function:
• Trans With
• Trans Time
Scroll to the Trans With function and press SEL to change the desired transition type. Use
the knob to select, and press SEL to accept. Choices are:
• Img Cut — the currently selected channel freezes, the new channel's video is
acquired and cut to the output.
• Blk Fade — the currently selected channel fades to black, then the new channel's
video transitions in. The transition rate is determined by the Trans Time value.
• Logo — this mode is only selectable if there is stored LOGO image in non-volatile
memory. The currently selected channel dissolves to the stored LOGO, then the
new channel's video dissolves in. The rate is determined by the Trans Time.
Scroll to the Trans Time function and press SEL to change the transition time (or rate),
from 1.0 to 5.0 seconds. Use the knob to change the rate, then press SEL to accept.
> Trans With Blk Fade
Trans Time 1.0
Transition times function best when the auto-acquire mode is
turned off. When auto-acquire is enable, transition times will
be greater — due to the additional time required to analyze
the input video timing. Refer to the “In Auto Acquire
” section
on page 87 for details.