LED-PRO • User’s Guide 27
4. Operation
Power-Up Initialization
• Initialization Screen 3 displays the software version that is currently being
loaded. Note that the software version changes as upgrades are released.
Figure 4-3. Initialization Screen 3
At the conclusion of the boot-up procedure, the Input 1 button will light and the Status
Menu is shown:
Figure 4-4. Status Menu (sample)
Refer to the “Using the Status Menu” section on page 36 for complete details.
If Ethernet mode was enabled (on the Ethernet Menu) and saved during your last session,
it will be restored during initialization.
• If DHCP was enabled, LED-PRO will attempt to contact the DHCP server for an IP
address. During this process, the following message is shown:
Figure 4-5. Initialization Screen — Connect to DHCP Server
• If DHCP is off and a static IP address was saved (e.g., any address other than, LED-PRO sets the Ethernet port with the selected address.
Barco Folsom LLC
Version 2.00
Initializing ...
OUT: Freerun
Wall: Enabled
By default, LED-PRO boots up with Input 1 selected from a
“factory reset” operation. However, if you perform the “Save
System State” procedure with a different input selected, the
system will acquire and select that input.
Searching for
DHCP server
Please wait ...
It takes approximately 40 seconds for the system to connect
to the DHCP server.