NOOK User Guide Shop 82
From your NOOK you can make the following kinds of orders:
eBook Periodical single
Purchase Yes Yes Yes
Pre-order Yes No No
Download free item Yes No No
Download free sample Yes No No
Free trial period No No Yes
Ordering from your NOOK
Note the following about ordering from your NOOK:
• Your NOOK must be registered. If you try to order content from an unregistered NOOK, you
will be asked to register.
• Only customers with billing addresses in the United States, U.S. territories, and Canada can
purchase digital content. It cannot be purchased by customers with International or APO/FPO
(Army Post Oce / Fleet Post Oce) billing addresses.
• Only customers with billing addresses in the United States and Canada can pre-order eBooks.
Pre-orders cannot be placed by customers with International, U.S. territory, or APO/FPO billing
• You can only purchase or pre-order digital content when physically within the United States,
American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Palau, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Canada. When you
travel outside of these areas, you can download digital content to your NOOK that you have
already purchased (if you have a Wi-Fi connection), but you cannot buy digital content. An
exception to this is free eBook samples, which can be purchased from anywhere there is
supported Wi-Fi connectivity.
• Some items are not available for purchase in Canada.
• Purchases made from your NOOK are charged to your default credit card, or gift card and
default credit card, as explained in “Payment” on page 81.
• If your default credit card has expired when you try to order an item (including a free eBook),
you will be asked to update the expiration date. Go to www.nook.com/account to update the
expiration date.
• Have you ever bought a book twice? I have. Your NOOK prevents you from ordering content
that you have previously ordered.