NOOK User Guide Library 94
If you cannot download recently purchased content, some problem might have occurred
during the purchase process. Check notifications in The Daily to see if there is a problem.
For DRM-secured content, the default credit card used to secure the content is the one that is
current when you download the content. In general, you will not need to enter the credit card
To manually download content:
1 On the Home menu, tap my library.
2 If you are viewing My Documents, tap Go to My B&N Library.
3 Navigate to the content item you want to download.
4 Tap Select.
5 Tap Download.
Download Retries
If an automatic or manual download fails, for example, because of wireless connectivity problems,
your NOOK retries the download several times over several minutes. If after three minutes, the
download has not succeeded, wait a few more minutes and then try a manual download request.
Checking for New Content in Your Online Digital Library
When you shop from your NOOK, and when issues of magazines and newspapers are delivered to
your NOOK, they appear in your library on your NOOK. You do not need to check for them.
When you buy eBooks from the BN.com website, they are delivered to your online digital library,
but they are not automatically delivered to your NOOK. The library on your NOOK is not updated
immediately to list the new items. The library is updated every morning, when your NOOK checks
for new issues of periodicals.
If you have purchased eBooks online and do not see them in My B&N Library, you can instruct your
NOOK to check for new content in your online digital library.
This requires a wireless connection.
Other reasons that you might not see content that you expect to see are:
• Content might not have been delivered yet.
• Older issues of periodicals might have been automatically deleted.