NOOK User Guide Library 95
• Content might have been archived (deleted from your NOOK but kept in your online digital
library) and the archived items are hidden. Tap Change view > Show archived items to show
archived items.
To check for new content in your online digital library:
1 On the Home menu, tap my library.
2 If you are viewing My Documents, tap Go to My B&N Library.
3 Tap Check for new B&N content.
Organizing Your Library
This section applies to both sections of your library (My B&N Library and My Documents), with
dierences noted.
You can place the items in your library on shelves that you create. For example, you might want
to create SCIENCE FICTION and ROMANCE shelves. Or you could place your favorite eBooks on a
FAVORITES shelf. Before being placed on a shelf, items are unshelved.
Shelves span the two sections of your library (My B&N Library and My Documents). When
you create, re-order, or delete a shelf, that action eects both sections of your library.
Items place on a shelf remain in one section of your library or the other.
Shelf names are displayed on the reading screen in all uppercase letters above the items on the
shelf, for example, CLASSICS and FANTASY here:
Note the following about shelves:
• You can shelve eBooks, newspapers, and magazines.