SkyRider 15
Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Procedure
Perform the following procedure to repair the hydraulic lift cylinder. Refer to Figure 4-8.
1. Remove gland nut (1) from cylinder jacket (2). If worn, replace gland nut (1),
o-ring (3), packing ring (4), and rod wiper (5) with a new gland nut assembly.
2. Remove piston rod (6) and wear ring (7).
3. Inspect piston rod (6) and wear ring (7) for gouges, scratches, and wear. Re-
place worn or damaged components.
4. Thoroughly clean the inside surface of cylinder jacket (2).
5. Lubricate wear ring (7) with clean hydraulic oil or petrolatum. Slide piston rod
(6) with wear ring (7) into cylinder jacket (2).
6. Lubricate o-ring (3), packing ring (4), and rod wiper (5) with clean hydraulic oil
or petrolatum.
7. Slide gland nut (1) onto piston rod (6). Fully thread the gland nut into cylinder
jacket (2).
8. Reinstall the hydraulic cylinder in the lift vehicle and reconnect the hydraulic
9. Refill the hydraulic reservoir.
10. Stroke the cylinder to seat and align packing ring (4) and wear ring (7).
11. Bleed all trapped air from the hydraulic system.
Figure 4-8. Hydraulic Cylinder Disassembly
1. Gland Nut
2. Cylinder Jacket
3. O-ring
4. Packing Ring
5. Rod Wiper
6. Piston Rod
7. Wear Ring