SkyRider 15
2. When there is power to the battery charger, a red “ON-CHARGING” LED on
the charger will be lit and the ammeter will display the rate of charge.
3. Once the battery voltage reaches a predetermined level programmed in the elec-
tronic control, the yellow “80% CHARGE” LED will illuminate.
4. The charge will be completed 3-1/2 hours after the yellow “80% CHARGE”
LED is lit. The charger and all LED’s will automatically shut off. The battery
charge level indicator, Figure 4-9, should indicate at least 3/4 charge.
NOTE: If the battery voltage does not reach the 80% level within 14 hours, the
charger will shut off and the “CHECK BATTERY” LED will light up.
Before making or breaking connections between charger and battery, always re-
move the power cord from the 110 volt AC outlet. Always check the battery elec-
trolyte level and add water after charging the battery. For more information, re-
fer to the instructions supplied with the battery charger.
5. Unplug the extension cord from the battery charger receptacle.
Do not operate a unit on which any chain assembly is damaged or in need of re-
placement. Operating a unit with a damaged chain can cause severe injury or
death to personnel and damage to equipment.
Inspect all lift chains daily. Inspect for signs of wear, split leaves, loose pins, clevis dam-
age, and elongation. Replace any chain that is damaged in any way. Chain assemblies
may be ordered from your dealer or direct from the factory. Do not operate a unit on
which any chain assembly is damaged and in need of replacement.
Chain Elongation Inspection
Refer to Figure 4-10. Measure 20 pitches of chain. Twenty pitches of new chain should
measure 12.5 in. (31.75 cm). Replace the chain if a 20-pitch length measures over 12.75
in. (32.385 cm).
Figure 4-10. Chain Elongation Inspection