CD changer
The following Blaupunkt CD changers
can be connected to the radio:
CDC A 02, CDC A 08 and IDC A 09.
Compact Drive MP3
As an alternative to a CD changer, you
can connect a Compact Drive MP3 to
access MP3 music tracks. If you con-
nect a Compact Drive MP3, you will first
need to use a computer to store the MP3
music tracks on the Microdrive™ hard
disk inside the Compact Drive MP3.
Then, when the Compact Drive MP3 is
connected to the car radio, you can play
the tracks like normal CD music tracks.
The Compact Drive MP3 is operated in
the same way as a CD changer. Most
of the CD changer functions can also
be used with the Compact Drive MP3.
Interface for vehicle-specific display
and steering-wheel remote control
Some vehicles are already fitted at the
factory with a display in the dashboard
and a steering-wheel remote control.
There are specific interfaces available
for various vehicle types so that you can
use the remote control and the display
for the car radio.
You can find out for which vehicles such
an interface is available from your Blau-
punkt dealer or from the Blaupunkt tel-
ephone hotline.