– 25 –BOSCH Security Systems GmbH A3/06–2004
Export data (e.g. to hard disk or network drive)
You must be in the image archive to export data.
Proceed as follows for remote storage:
– In the Database menu, click on Select backup drive. Select a
drive and confirm with OK.
– In the Database menu, click on Export to backup drive.
The search dialog box is displayed.
– If necessary, change the search criteria in the search dialog box.
If necessary, click on the Transaction data – show tab if you wish
to search for data from automatic cash dispensers and barcode
Click on Export.
Note: If you have opened the image that you wish to export, this
image and an extra 5 minutes are automatically exported
onto CD.
Day – Date Date on which the images are to be
searched for.
Time From:
Time within which the images are to be
searched for.
Elapsed days Number of days passed. Always includes
the present day.
Camera – Number Number of camera.
Local archives
Search all archives All the archives are searched.
Selected archive:
The search is only performed in those ar-
chives which you select in the following
list box.
Remote stations
On all configured remote net-
work stations
All parameterized remote stations are
Selected remote stations The search is only performed in those re-
mote stations which you select in the fol-
lowing list box.
Local archives only refer to the local com-
Transfer at max. speed If this function is selected, the images
found in a network are transmitted at the
greatest possible speed.
Please note that the transmission rate de-
pends on network activity. Therefore, ac-
tivation of this function is only practical in
dedicated networked video systems or at
times at which there is no ”non–video
technology” data activity on the network
Transaction data (optional) You can search for the account number,
BRC, credit card number etc. for auto-
matic cash dispensers.
Scan code (optional) A scan code search can be performed for
a barcode scanner.