– 7 –BOSCH Security Systems GmbH A3/06–2004
The menu bar of the basic window in the live image
Image archive: change to the image archive
Configuration: change to the configuration
Alarm simulation: trigger an alarm or other actions
Change user: log the user off and log on screen for new
Change password: change the password
Exit system: end the program (administrator)
Establish connection: establish connection via ISDN/network/
Terminate connection: terminate connection via ISDN/network/
Local connection: establish local connection (live image)
Camera switching: to the next camera selected with
Image quality: image compression can be changed
save displayed
images: Activate and deactivate automatic saving
from all images displayed
Toolbar: on/off
Status bar: on/off
Alarm simulation bar: on/off
Video image mode: enlarges the image of the selected camera
to full–screen size
Tile: open windows are displayed next to one another
Cascade: open windows are displayed overlapping one
another (cascading)
Arrange icons: icons can be deposited at the bottom of the window
Station X: all stations with a connection are displayed
Help topics: calling up online Help
Info: Info about the system, e.g. version and
serial number